The sand in your pool filter should be chemically cleaned at least once a year to ensure proper pool operation.
For best results, follow the steps below.
a) Backwash filter for 3—5 minutes, rinse for 20 –30 seconds to remove the debris that can be rinsed off.
b) Turn pump off and return dial valve to ‘filter’ position.
c) Remove strainer lid on pump.
d) Apply BioGuard Filter Brite or Dazzle Filter Cleanse through the strainer basket and replace the lid.
e) Turn on the pump for 5—15 seconds (just enough time to get the cleanser from the pump into the filter)
g) Shut off the pump and leave off at least 8 hours (or overnight).
h) Back wash thoroughly (at least 3 minutes). At this time, you will see all the material that regular backwashes did not remove being evacuated from the filter.
i) Resume normal operation
Throughout the year tips:
If filter pressure rises 5 lbs above normal operating pressure, backwash (generally no need to chemically clean).
If you have a problem with metals or an algae outbreak, chemically cleaning the sand can help prevent future occurrences.
Remember to vacuum on waste or drain if you are removing large deposits of algae and debris.
Service tip:
Use a filter saver in your skimmer basket and you will improve your filter cycles up to 50%